Rapidly reduce the transmission of pathogens in workplace

Prevent virus outbreaks within the workplace through regular disinfection and decontamination. MUVi technology can be used to disinfect meeting rooms, working space, pantry, bathroom, surfaces and air, providing a lethal dose of UVC that is proven to kill 99.9% viruses and superbugs in just one cycle.

Decontaminate rooms before & after hours
Ensure complete sanitation of your workplace before and after office hours or during breaks to avoid transmission of pathogens that might linger around the surface or air for hours. MUVi light zaps a proper dose of UVC that reaches the walls and is reflected back to the center of the room in a single placement.

Rapid disinfection between meetings
Disinfection procedure before and after meetings will ensure a peace of mind for you, your staff and your clients. While manual cleaning may take time, MUVi disinfection system enables you to get this done faster. A single placement approach with an adjustable timer that can suit your needs – from just 5 minutes up to 120 minutes.

Efficient outbreak management
Be prepared for any unfortunate outbreaks – outbreak cleaning requires attention to detail and ensuring all hidden areas or surfaces have been thoroughly sanitised. MUVi can ensure 0% of sites were still contaminated as it effectively and efficiently kills 99.9% viruses and bacteria within three seconds.